Need a digital specialist?

Want help with an eBook?

Speaker or legal consultant?

Ready? Let’s get your project started!

Digital and WordPress Specialist, Speaker – Meet Dr. Sue Polinsky

Digital Specialist & Consultant

I founded – and am now retired from – one of the the oldest woman-owned web development agencies in the southeast. For 24 years, I led the team that built, fixed, customized and redesigned business and nonprofit websites across the U.S.

Nonprofit Wiz

I’ve worked with nonprofits across the country for years. I’ve written best practices and conducted webinars for 501(c)(3) nonprofits. I also know where the “free stuff’ is!

WordPress Trainer

I train people of every technical capability how to edit and update their WordPress websites. I can help audit your site, too.

Website Diagnostician

Although I don’t build websites anymore, I can help diagnose WordPress website problems and get you to the right group to fix your site.

Legal Consultant

I am a technical “expert” for depositions. I help translate and explain “geek speak” in understandable English so you can ask better questions in discovery.

eBook Editor & Readying for Publishing

I develop eBook templates and help budding authors get their ebooks ready to publish. See more about I can help you “GetMeOnline!

Sue Polinsky, Digital Specialist

GOT A GREAT EBOOK IDEA? I’ve edited and helped publish eBooks and can help with yours. I can show you how to market your book on social media and your website to increase sales.

WEBSITE PROBLEMS? With 24 years of online experience, I can usually figure out your site’s problem and get you to the team to fix it.

I work with agencies and teams that build great websites, fix broken ones – and do regular WordPress maintenance – so you can focus on your regular job. My recommendations are FREE to you!

LEGAL ISSUES? I’m a great deposition or trial witness who can explain technical points in easy-to-understand language.

Digital Technologist for 24 years

Sue Polinsky Helps with eBooks, Consulting, Website Troubleshooting

Who is Sue Polinsky and What Do They Say About Her?

Digital Consultant & Online Maven

I’m Sue Polinsky and am happy to meet you! I’ve been a WordPress and digital strategist for more than 24 years.

I have extensive experience with WordPress, profitable website design, and substantial experience with nonprofit online needs, free and low-cost resources available for nonprofits. Add that to my multi-project management skills and a commitment that you get the best look, functionality and tools for a successful website, online project or eBook, and you know you’ve found the best Digital Consultant in the Southeast.

Schedule a free discovery call today!

Jeff, Marketing Director

“Building our website was indeed an adventure! I learned a lot and look forward to continuing to enhance the site now that I know what I’m doing. All the feedback I received from the people here was positive and all said it looked good and WAY better than our current site. I do appreciate all the time you took to help me with it, your input, etc. you probably spent more time than you normally do helping, but I couldn’t have done it without you. You’ve been great.”

Ross, Executive Director

“How do I begin to thank you for all the great things you are doing for me and IOPL? It’s hard….if not impossible! You were a slam dunk hit with the students this year – “More Sue Polinsky, please!” was on many of their evaluations! I know why! I am so looking forward to the webinar, and, again, thank you for taking so much of your personal time to help us.”

Miriam, Author

“I love the site and I thank you and your crew for the time you have taken with it, the beauty of the design and your patience with all my many questions. I’m basically a hands-on person and am so very excited how the site works and how I can keep it up myself. I…

Lucy, Comptroller

“Did I tell your how much we appreciated your particular help with the issue we had at hand? Your help was huge for us, and most will never know all the details. Your insight, expertise, and support gave us a priceless amount of comfort with the difficult task we had on our plates.”

Tammi, Practice Mananger

We are over here singing your praises for helping your clients be able to make their own little tweaks! Your team is da bomb-diggity!

Crystal, Membership Website Owner

“Just wanted to let you the first batch of renewal reminders must have gone out since we are getting  payments in so the system is alive! And I didn’t even have to do anything! One of our Steering Committee members was very impressed with the reminder system and they have already paid.”

Steve, Nonprofit Executive Director

“Wonderful! It’s a beautiful site and thank you so much for your work and for navigating our “design by committee” approach that I am sure had to be frustrating. You are so great to work with.”

What Can a Digital Consultant Do For You?


eBook Publishing
I am an eBook editor and have custom templates that work.


Legal Consulting
I am an experienced legal consultant for research and depositions.


Nonprofit Expert
I have decades of experience working with nonprofits & know where the free stuff is!


Webinar Leader
I lead successful and entertaining online workshops and webinars.


WordPress Trainer
I show you how to edit your WordPress website. You’ll be able to change copy, add pictures and links. And a lot more!


Website Maven
I help figure out what you want your website to do before you build it. Broken site? I’ll send you to a trusted team to fix it.